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Not withstanding our efforts to maintain this website accurate and up to date, Dam City does not guarantee the reliability, availability, accuracy or continuity of the operation of this website nor of the products or services made available to the user and is therefore not responsible for damage of any kind that may be due to the lack of reliability, accuracy or continuity of the operation of this website or the products or services. 

By accessing this website, you agree that Dam City will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss arising from the provision or use of the information and material contained in this website. 

Dam City is not responsible, in any form, for information, websites etc. provided by third parties, even in the case this information, websites etc. are accessed through this website. 

Dam City has the right to refuse persons or third parties to access this website, without reasons given. 

All disputes arising from the use of this website are subject to the laws of The Netherlands.


All personal identifying information sent to Dam City by email, will only be used for services provided by Dam City.

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© DamCity 2012